Magic Valley Turfgrass offers tall fescue as a drought-tolerant, low maintenance turfgrass sod option for residential, commercial, and sports turf landscapes. Tall fescue is a deep-rooted turfgrass species known to provide excellent shade, drought, heat, cold, and wear tolerance. This low-maintenance turfgrass species is well-suited to high traffic areas in sites with significant sun and heat exposure, such as those bordering sidewalks or other paved areas, playgrounds, and landscapes with low-maintenance requirements. Tall fescue has a natural resistance to many insect species, which further enhances its low-maintenance qualities, providing a sustainable option for turfgrass landscapes.
Tall fescue performs best when mowed at heights of 2.5 – 3.5 inches. Higher mowing heights during summer will further reduce irrigation requirements and enhance drought and heat tolerance.
Fertility requirements are low to maintain good presentation quality and vigor throughout the season. Tall fescue also exhibits improved shade tolerance, providing diverse options for use in a variety of landscapes.
Magic Valley Turfgrass utilizes Defiance! XRE Turf-type Tall Fescue, a rhizomatous (extreme rhizome expression – XRE) tall fescue blend that spreads vegetatively to recover from wear and stress. This blend has a dark green color, is endophyte enhanced for natural insect resistance, and has proven disease resistance. Tall fescue is well-suited to many sites across Southern and Central Idaho due to its drought tolerance, versatility, pest resistance, and wear tolerance.